Step 1: Download any port Scanner(i prefer Super Scan — Download — , IP scanner — Download –, gfi LAN net security scanner — Download –)

Step 2: First Get your IPGo to Command prompt type ipconfig /allHit enter.You will see your IP as a clients IP.suppose its

Step 3: write your iIP in IP scanner Software and scan for alive IPs in the below rangestart: to End:

Step 4: Then check in your scanner which alive IPs has the port 80 open or 23 for telnet.

Step 5: if port 80 is open then Enter that IP in your web browserif 23 port is open then u should know how to telnet it from cmd……..

Step 6: It asks for user ID AND password type username =admin password =admin or passwordIt is the default password for most of the routers.if denied then use on another alive IP

Step 7: If success then it will show router settings page of that IP userThere go to Home -> Wan Setting and the username and password of his account will appear.